Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hari Raia in SIngapore

Well we've just had the most amazing weekend in Singapore. We were only there for three days but it feels like a lot longer and I'm feeling tremendously fat and slightly pate'd from all the food and booze we managed to consume.

We stayed with friends from Saudi Craig and Ayumi's place and they took us to a bevy of pretty outstanding restaurants. I'm afraid the 2 dollar satay here in Brunei might not live up to the standard! Unfortunately we didn't manage to take any photos being as permanently inebriated as we were... although I'm sure Ayumi got some and they're probably hideously scary.

We also managed to find out that you can drive through a tropical storm to an airport an hour away in the dark at a ridiculous speed not actually knowing where the airport is (hoping for a sign) and still find the airport with 45 minutes before the flight. I think Tony had a baby at that one. The roads in Brunei aren't that bad at all but when it wants to rain it really rains.

Otherwise we've received our shipment which arrived completely intact and I've finally gotten round to unpacking the last of things. I didn't think everything would fit but its looking pretty good I must say. I'm currently contemplating a venture to the local markets to pick up some fish but I don't have any wellies to wade through the melted ice.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Random Photos and a trip to Miri

We toodled over to Malaysia last weekend to have a look around. Miri, the closest town is another Shell Oil town and it was much more like an Asian city than those in Brunei which are a lot more organised and a lot quieter. Miri was a lot of fun. Tony got completely caught up purchasing every tacky souvenir he could find and we managed to have a dodgy market lunch where the resident grandma decided to laboriously chew her noodles at us for half an hour. Fabulous. We're off to a rock festival in the jungle near miri this weekend... should be good. Well here's a few photos of our resident 'friends'. The frog is our local pervert. He comes up to the sliding door and just looks in... not sure why but I think he gets turned on by Tony's hairy legs. The preying mantis is officially named McSticky and is our current mascot. She (I've decided its a she) hangs upside down looking through the aforementioned sliding door too. And the large cicada is the bane of my existence. They are about 7-10cm long, make a massive noise and set up just outside our bedroom window every other evening.