Thursday, September 10, 2009

Random Photos and a trip to Miri

We toodled over to Malaysia last weekend to have a look around. Miri, the closest town is another Shell Oil town and it was much more like an Asian city than those in Brunei which are a lot more organised and a lot quieter. Miri was a lot of fun. Tony got completely caught up purchasing every tacky souvenir he could find and we managed to have a dodgy market lunch where the resident grandma decided to laboriously chew her noodles at us for half an hour. Fabulous. We're off to a rock festival in the jungle near miri this weekend... should be good. Well here's a few photos of our resident 'friends'. The frog is our local pervert. He comes up to the sliding door and just looks in... not sure why but I think he gets turned on by Tony's hairy legs. The preying mantis is officially named McSticky and is our current mascot. She (I've decided its a she) hangs upside down looking through the aforementioned sliding door too. And the large cicada is the bane of my existence. They are about 7-10cm long, make a massive noise and set up just outside our bedroom window every other evening.

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