Thursday, August 13, 2009


Well after months of build up we have finally arrived here in Brunei after an insanely hectic week getting things sorted in Bahrain.

To our complete lack of amusement once we got to Dubai the check in desk for Brunei Air wasn't sure if they could let us on the plane with a one way ticket (as we looked like dodgy refugees waiting to claim asylum in some jungle with the monkeys) and we had to smile politely for quite some time at an enterprising check in guy named Ulysses while he flapped around trying to work out how to let the manic people through without potentially endangering his job. Once he worked that out (make it the cabin crews' problem just before we boarded the plane) he shooed us away and we toodled off into the future which contained soggy sandwiches and salmonella salad in the Business Lounge in Dubai. Oh, having only travelled business class twice I'd have to say if you're just doing it for the lounges, Dubai's aren't worth it between the fifty or so screaming Saudi kids and the dilapidated seating arrangements.

So zooming forward a pleasant flight and some satisfactory sleep (mine, not Tony's who stayed up to watch the Star Trek Movie while I got my vin diesel fix ... Fast and the Furious 4 before snoozing) we landed in what seemed to be a pretty endless sea of green and then turned out to be just that.

It turns out we live about an hour an a half from the nations capital 'Bandar' down a pretty good highway in a wee community called Panaga which is between Seria and Kuala Belait (Which I'm assuming means 'belated realisation there are no koalas in the vicinity).

First impressions after a few days of looking bleary and jet lagged is that this place is pretty fantastic. The Islam side of things is completely chilled out, people are smiling even when they're shirty instead of yodelling their asses off at you and it smells great.

We've already had two major thunderstorms and downpours and it sounds like the weather was waiting for us as if to say 'hey you've not seen rain for a while... well I'll put on a goddamn spectacular complete with massive puddles and'd you like them apples (or dragon fruit as the case may be)'

SO we arrived to find out that there is a massive waiting list for houses which is leaving a huge number of people (20-30 families)... mainly with many children... stranded in hotel rooms for up to three months waiting for 'available' houses. Luckily I found this out from the Meet And Greet lady Jayne before they told Tony this and gave him the word up not to be so nice when they asked if he liked out hotel room. As a result, he was ready for the news when it came from HR and did some delicate diplomacy with some pointed bellowing where appropriate. We're moving into our house on Saturday. I saw it yesterday and we will be living with a troop of very surly looking monkeys just out the front.

One of them looked like it was just itching to throw some poo in our general direction... I think I shall call him Ulysses.

This morning I'm off to check out the local Toyota dealership for some overpriced little matchbox car that zoom and that we'll probably lose in the next big flood that the expats here seemed to relish telling Tony about. Will post again once the jet lag goes and I stop having nightmares about monkeys.

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