Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Frog Herding and jogging Ghurkas

Well we're still leaching the internet off the neighbours while we work out how to get to the main provider's offices during Ramadan hours. So communication is generally pot luck.

I've just spent the last few minutes eyeballing a pretty surly monkey that is sitting about 10 meters from our front door who looks pretty pissed off the garbage man collected our rubbish before he could get to it. There were three Durians in there that let off an almighty pong. Tony has discovered a love of the Durian that has seen him banished to the front porch and the benighted fruit hung up on the clothes line. He couldn't eat them all though (brought a bunch of them off a roadside vendor) and had to dispose of the wretched things before the monkeys and the wild boar got a bit too affectionate with my washing.

Its been a pretty eventful week. We've purchased a car - a spanking new Toyota Vios in a delightful shade of silver and have done some exploring of our nation's capital which revolved around chomping down on a whole lot of dim sum and getting fat and wandering around the only large mall in Bandar which had a delightful lack of chain stores.

One of the most bewildering things we've come across so far here is the 'ramadan lunch special' hmm. go figure. Because all the Chinese Bruneians don't fast all of the eating establishments seem to stay open all day and because there is nothing like people fasting to make you hungry I think I've put on a ton of weight the last week alone.

We're been exploring the local food markets and have discovered the joy of 1 dollar nasi goreng, fresh cane sugar juice and 2 dollar satay. Life is good:)

At the moment we get up every morning and happily munch down on breakfast while watching the guys from the 2000 strong Ghurka batalion in the housing next door do their morning run. These guys seriously have legs like ham-hocks... I wouldn't mess with them for fear they'd get you in a thigh grip and squeeze the life out of you.

Every night a large group of frogs converges on our driveway and refuses to move unless you physically get out of the car and herd them out of the way. I have no idea what they do out there other than just stare at each other maybe they are telepathic and we've just not noticed.

Well so far Ramadan here has been an absolute breeze... everyone's in a pretty good mood, the driving's not got too much of a psychotic edge to it and the rain washes everything clean every night...

Tony's so relaxed I'm worried I'll wake up one morning to find that he's just become a blobby puddle on the floor. I'm still missing Bahrain and Saudi (believe it or not) but am starting to relax quite nicely... you can't not with the lifestyle here.

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